CD of self-titled debut album, produced in full by Kishi Bashi, Jacomo Bairos, and Sam Hyken. The 8-song collection includes genre-bending collaborations, re-imaginings of artists such as Outkast and Daft Punk and new music by some of today’s most exciting living composers, including Nicholas Omicioli and Andy Akiho among others.
Album Tracklisting:
- “Fuse” by Nicholas Omiociolli
- “Honeybody” with Kishi Bashi
- “Outkast” by Sam Hyken
- “Karakunai” by Andy Akiho
- “Antichrist” with Kishi Bashi
- “Daft Punk” by Sam Hyken
- “Dejando Al Mundo” with Danay Suarez
- “Ibakan” with Spam Allstars